Retro Hoppers.
Our cones are built on over 28 years experience!
We use proven design and quality without the unnecessary gimmicks to save you money! Our cones are custom fit to any brand or size of bin.
All cones come with 2×2 angle iron band braces much stronger than some competitions gusset bracing.
All cones come with 20″ manhole.
Our slide system is the simplest but easiest to open on the market!
12-14′ – Come with 8 legs, 14g sheet, 3/16″ angle, 1/4×6″ band. Larger bins get 1/4×4″ inside band
15-16′ – Come with 8 legs, 14g sheet, 3/16″angle, 1/4×6″ band. Larger bins get 1/4×6″ inside band and .188″ thick legs
18-19′ – Come with 12 legs, 14g sheet, 3/16″ angle, 1/4×6″ band. Larger bins get 1/4×6″ inside band and 5×5 .188″ legs
21-22′ – Come with 12-14 5×5 legs, 12g sheet, ¼” angle, 3/8×6″ band, 1/4×6″ inside band
24′ – Come with 14-20 5×5 legs, 12g sheet, ¼” angle, 3/8×6″ band inside and out
27′ – Come with 18-20 5×5 legs, 12g sheet, ¼” angle, 3/8×8″ band and 3/8×6″ inside ban
Skids – Dont be fooled by competitions “fancy skids”. Do the math and we put more square feet of skid base under your investment than most if not all the competition! We make single, double and triple skids in 4×4”, 4×6” and 4×8”tube sizes, all heavy duty .188” material.
Inside Paint – We can paint the inside of your cone making it an extra slippery surface turning the flow of your 35degree cone into that of a 40degree, but without adding the extra height and stress caused by extra steep cones.