Earth Smart.



DEFENDER is a natural plant protector used on a wide variety of crops in order to maintain a strong and healthy harvest.

DEFENDER can be foliar and soil applied with the aid of conventional spray apparatus. For "initial protection", apply directly to the soil prior to seeding or at the early stages of plant growth.  For "preventative protection", apply as required during growth period.  Application rates may vary with environmental conditions, soil type, plant density, canopy, management practices, etc.

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ENERGIZE – Stubble & Trash Digester

Partially decomposed crop residue can be a limiting factor in plant growth. ESDG is an all-natural micronutrient and bio-stimulant formulated to overcome this problem by  stimulating indigenous soil microbes and accelerating post harvest decomposition of crop trash and other biodegradable soil residue. This increase in crop residue decomposition can aid in restoring soil biomass, decreasing the potential for soil borne diseases, improving nitrogen availability and improving overall natural plant protection. Simply put, post harvest decomposition of stubble and other biodegradable crop residue is critical in maintaining a healthy soil structure and ensuring strong plant growth

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Humic Solutions



ESHP is formulated with high grade humic acids that promote plant health and growth. The importance of humic acids lies in their ability to promote hormonal activity in plants. Plant hormones are chemical communicators, or agents, which help regulate a plant’s development and its response to its surrounding environment.

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INSPIRE is a liquid, natural seed starter and root growth promoter formulated with macro and micro nutrients, amino acids, organic acids, root growth stimulants, enzymes, proteins, vitamins, minerals and beneficial microbes.

INSPIRE also contains constituents that stimulate indigenous microbes in the root zone and has proven to be a reliable performer in low and high rainfall areas and in all soil types except extreme calcareous soils.

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PROPEL is a broad-spectrum, super concentrated fertilizer for use in reduced synthetic fertilizer programs on grain crops, pulse crops, rice, etc. It is formulated with high grade macro and micro nutrients, plant extracts, amino acids, enzymes, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and complex carbohydrates. PROPEL can be used alone or in conjunction with chemical inputs in any standard crop management program.

PROPEL will improve soil porosity, drainage and aeration and reduce compaction. In addition, it can improve the water holding capacity of the soil thereby helping plants resist drought and produce better crops in reduced moisture conditions. One estimate indicates that a 5% increase in soil organic matter quadruples the soil's ability to hold and store water.

PROPEL can increase the available nitrogen far in excess of its own content by stimulating soil microbes. Nitrogen is a plant stimulator, regulator and a carrier of elements. For plants to benefit from nitrogen, the elements must first be converted into nitrates. This conversion is carried out by microbes that metabolize nitrogen as an energy source.

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