Corrugated Hopper Bins


Superior Performance and Convenience

Quick and easy grain conditioning and unloading are just the beginning of the advantages found in  every Superior hopper bin. Each hopper bin comes standard with ground remote openers and are built to last for generations. Unstiffened hopper bins are available from 15- to 27-foot diameters and offer capacities up to 11,769 bushels. Stiffened hopper bins range from 15 to 30-foot diameters and can handle up to 27,799 bushels. Our bins are one of the heaviest steel bins on the market. The thicker steel walls are able to withstand more pressure and safely hold large volumes.

In addition, we have the strongest roof in the industry with a 100 MPH wind rating, and 37 lb. snow rating. All of our bins come with level bin fill indicator, cabled remote lid opener, roof vents and ladders.

Plus, we can add all the other options you need to meet your specific storage requirements